Is Rape a law and order problem?

For last few days people have been demanding justice for gang-rape incidence that took place in Delhi. It’s a good sign of a vibrant and vigilant society. I fully endorse their claim and that individuals guilty must be punished as par the law of the land. However, my apprehension is about the manner in which they should be punished as demanded by the people that they should be hanged without a fair trial. Some demanding that they should be hanged publicly. Some demanding that they should be burnt alive in public. Some demanding they should be brutally murdered. Some demanding they should be beheaded. This raises one question in my mind: If we as a society demand for such punishments, then jurisprudentially speaking, what is the deference between us and the rapists? Can these punishments be part of a civilized society? Those in favor argue that such punishments will serve as a deterrent. So in order to check whether enforcement of law and strict punishments really serve as a deterrent, I collected the following statistics:

Country No. of Rapes in the year 2011 Source
India 24, 206 National Crime Records Bureau
USA 83, 425 Federal Bureau of Investigation
UK 80, 000 British Crime Survey
South Africa 66, 196 South African Police Service

Firstly, I would like to say that the data for India is authenticated but I believe it to be underestimated for many rape incidences are not reported. Secondly, if you consider the population of the countries, then rape incidences in all the three countries is enormous compared to India .However, the purpose of showing the above table is not that the rapes are marginal in India. On examining the above table, one can ask that countries (USA, UK) having such a good criminal justice system; why rape incidences are so high? Does deterrence really work? Are incidences of rape a law and order problem? Or it has more deeper root in the human society?

I think incidences of rape are more of a social problem, the problem of mind set, our attitude towards woman than that of the law and order.  All those who outrage against rape incidences, why do they not raise the question of gender equality? It has been found that where there is gender equality such crimes are lowest. Furthermore, the TRP-monger media which covers such incidences so extensively does not leave a single opportunity of objectifying, dehumanizing the woman  to sell every dam thing. One a see the following link:

If we really desire to stop violence against women, then we must talk about gender equality more and more.  Furthermore, we must fight against the advertisement industry which dehumanizes and objectifies the women. That is the only possible way I can think of to eradicate violence against woman. Educate! Agitate! Organize! is the mantra.

As far as victims of rapes are concerned, society must not alienate  them. Society must come forward to support them, love them, accept them. This is what victims require the most. The life of victims becomes hell primarily because of the apathy and indifference of the society that that of the incidence.

Further reading:

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